detainee policies and procedures. A number of the 'Detainee Policies' relate to Camp Bucca in Iraq, but there are also Department of Defense-wide policies and documents relating to Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay and European U.S. Army Prison facilities. [read the full press release here]
Name | Description | Date of creation | Date of release | Region of effect | Document type | Pages |
US-DoD-BUCCA-SOP-Anx-C-IF-Procedures-Draft-001-2004-04-01 | SOP for Internment Facility procedures at Camp Bucca (draft) | 2004-04-01 | 2012-10-27 | Camp Bucca, Iraq | Standard Operating Procedure | 4 |
US-DoD-BUCCA-SOP-Apx-1-Sec-OIC-DO-to-Anx-B-Duty-POSNs-2004-04-01 | SOP for Security OIC-Duty Officer (SOIC/DO) responsibilities at Camp Bucca | 2004-04-01 | 2012-10-27 | Camp Bucca, Iraq | Standard Operating Procedure | 2 |
US-DoD-BUCCA-SOP-Apx-10-CCT-SOG-to-Anx-B-Duty-POSNs-2004-04-01 | SOP for Compound Control Team SOG responsibilities at Camp Bucca | 2004-04-01 | 2012-10-27 | Camp Bucca, Iraq | Standard Operating Procedure | 2 |
US-DoD-BUCCA-SOP-Apx-11-Detainee-Release-SOP-2004-04-01 | SOP for detainee release at Camp Bucca | 2004-04-01 | 2012-10-27 | Camp Bucca, Iraq | Standard Operating Procedure | 4 |
US-DoD-BUCCA-SOP-Apx-12-Intelligence-IF-SOP-2004-04-01 | SOP for intelligence collection at Camp Bucca | 2004-04-01 | 2012-10-27 | Camp Bucca, Iraq | Standard Operating Procedure | 8 |
US-DoD-BUCCA-SOP-Anx-A-Familiarization-2004-03-27 | SOP for familiarization to Camp Bucca | 2004-03-27 | 2012-10-26 | Camp Bucca, Iraq | Standard Operating Procedure | 5 |
US-DoD-BUCCA-SOP-Working-Draft-001-2004-03-19 | Main SOP for Camp Bucca (working draft) | 2004-03-19 | 2012-10-26 | Camp Bucca, Iraq | Standard Operating Procedure | 35 |
US-DoD-BUCCA-SOP-Apx-2-Bucca-ROE-to-Anx-A-Familiarization-2004-03-05 | SOP for Rules of Engagement at Camp Bucca | 2004-03-05 | 2012-10-26 | Camp Bucca, Iraq | Standard Operating Procedure | 2 |
US-DoD-Links-to-OIF-Observations-2003-04-09 | References for urban operations manual | 2003-04-09 | 2012-10-26 | U.S. DoD | Reference List for OIF | 11 |
US-DoD-MOU-US-UK-AUS-re-Detainees-2003-03-25 | MOU between U.S. U.K. And Australia for transfer of detainees | 2003-03-25 | 2012-10-26 | US, UK, AUS, Iraq, Afghanistan | Memorandum of Understanding | 3 |
US-DoD-DELTA-SOP-2002-11-11 | Main SOP for Camp Delta, Guantanamo | 2002-11-11 | 2012-10-25 | Camp Delta, Cuba | Standard Operating Procedure | 33 |
US-DoD-CH-03-Annex-J-Visitation-2002-01-30 | SOP for conducting visits to confined inmates and detainees | 2002-01-30 | 2012-10-25 | U.S. Army Correction Facility-Europe | Standard Operating Procedure | 4 |
US-DoD-CH-07-Annex-C-Disorder-FOUO-2001-10-11 | SOP for disorder emergency plan | 2001-10-11 | 2012-10-25 | U.S. Army Correction Facility-Europe | Standard Operating Procedure | 8 |
US-DoD-CH-07-Annex-D-EandA-FOUO-2001-10-09 | SOP for apprehending and returning escaped detainees | 2001-10-09 | 2012-10-25 | U.S. Army Correction Facility-Europe | Standard Operating Procedure | 5 |
US-DoD-DoD-Directive-1994-08-18-reissued-2004 | DoD directive for program for enemy prisoners of war and other detainees (reissued 2004) | 1994-08-18 | 2012-10-25 | U.S. DoD | DoD Directive | 4 |
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